We bought this picture yesterday after viewing it at a small exhibition of the artist's work being shown at Artie Fartie in Wellingborough.
It will hang on the wall of our new dining room after the building work has finished! Until that time the picture will continue to hang in the gallery.
When flying back from Jersey yesterday with FlyBe it was the first time that I had flown on an aircraft manufactured by Embraer. Intrigued by this unknown name I took the opportunity to use Google before they shut the aircraft doors. I was surprised to learn that this company hails from Brazil.
My travelling companion informed me that once again, one of the BRIC countries had produced something that is very acceptable and is doing rather well. the aircraft indeed was excellent and provided comfort for the passengers as well as being a little more gentle on the environment.
Okay the doors were now shut and I had to ask BRIC?
Apparently this is the name for the predicted powerhouses of the next 20 years fuelled initially by population and now combined with technology they are a force to be reckoned with - Brazil, Russia, India & China.
I know of Tata (Indian owners of Land Rover etc) and the mighty Russian oil companies what others do you know of?
Just in case anyone is interested here is a short video (filmed on an iPhone) of the Embraer 195 landing at Gatwick.