Saturday, 8 June 2019

My Left Knee - Procedure Postponed

Why hasn't there been any updates since the last blog? What happened?

Well, nothing and a lot happened.

Turning up at the hospital at 07:35 as duly instructed with now raging toothache. This together with "white coat syndrome" and stress was pushing my blood pressure to the limit.

When I was told at 12:00 that my operation was delayed by at least 5 hours due to an incident in theatre the pain and blood pressure became too much. Three hours later the anesthetist called time due to mainly blood pressure but also the risk of cross infection from the tooth. After 7 hours at hospital I went home with nothing but a shaved leg and a large black arrow drawn in marker pen to indicate the proposed operation site.

Just as well it was cancelled that day as the infection in my tooth burst forth overnight and whilst relieving me of the pain could have resulted in the loss of the knee if the operation had proceeded.

Two weeks later the cracked wisdom tooth was forcibly removed and after a 24 hour blood pressure test, I was deemed fit enough to reschedule for some time in August.

Just have to tackle the hills of the Algarve with plenty of drugs (legal type) and alcohol. Yes, indeed the Stanwick Six will venture forth on their summer adventures in 3 weeks time.


Tuesday, 9 April 2019

My Left Knee - The Night Before #kneereplacement #threeshires

After 56 years of intermittent but on the whole decent service, I am spending the last night with my birth left knee. Tomorrow I say farewell and shortly afterwards say hello to a new shiny metallic replacement. 

Reason - shockingly bad football tackle 1978 and lack of keyhole surgery at that time. More of that incident later. 

So now for the next 14 hours or so, nil by mouth, not even chewing gum or a sucky sweet. Mr Crawfurd’s strict instructions. On parade at 07:35 at Three Shires Hospital, Northampton - strangely specific time?

As I lay here at 12:30 trying to sleep, bizarrely it is not my knee that is painful but a troublesome wisdom tooth. At least the bucketloads of painkillers on offer tomorrow/today should take care of that!

I like the fact that my kneecap is also getting a new coating as well. 
