Saturday, 4 September 2010

Cretian Times Day 12

A little late tonight due to a great game of rugby S.Africa v Australia. Watching in Pat's bar with a guy from Jo'burg.

Last week I think I made mention of a pesky Frenchman by the name of Dr. Pierre Dukan. This man has become the focus of my culinary efforts for the past 7 weeks. It started as all these things do with Mrs CT announcing one weekend that we were both going on a diet from Monday. Not the first time this has happened. What I do not know about the Weightwatchers point system and Red & Green days is not worth knowing. The Dukan diet concentrates on wiping out the consumption of carbs and then reintroducing them gradually 3 months later. This has caused major temptation this holiday but I am pleased to say that all chips, bread, pasta and rice have in the main been avoided. I wish I could say the same for all the wine & beer and 3 solid meals a day. I have therefore forfeited 4kgs of the 10 that I had lost pre holiday. Back on track next week. If you want to know more click his name above.

Not much to write today due to total inactivity. I do want to discuss however the use of the english language by the likes of estate agents and now travel firms. This next picture was taken a few years ago when we were holidaying in Zante. Please consider the use of the word "may" in the following brochure description. this hotel MAY experience some aircraft noise!

Who are you trying to kid. In the end we turned it into a lottery type drinking game along the lines of - if the next plane in is from the UK we can have a pint. This worked well with flights every 30 mins or so from all over Europe. Until Wednesdays that is which turned out to be UK day. 11 pints by 14:00 is not good!

A few random pics to finish

A certain person queuing at the restaurant booking machines. You can spot the gained 4kgs quite easily.

Do not forget tomorrow 15:00 Sky Sports 3 the main event of the week.


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