Monday, 6 September 2010

Cretian Times Day 14

Our last full day in the sun. Having said that there is a bit of cloud this morning giving some welcome shade at times. What is also apparent is that half of the hotel went home yesterday taking all their little darlings of school age with them. (Before anyone questions as to why we are taking our holiday during term time I should explain that we have to be back in the UK this week for the wedding of our good friends Ju & Sean).

Went for a walk up into the nearby village where I spotted this latest in family transport, a Cutivator 1.1d Convertible. Nice!

Fruit in various forms also on show.

The last one is pomegranate for those that cannot spot the fruit.

19:00 - left Mrs CT in the room to finish off the packing. I find it best to keep out of the way during this mystical process. So naturally I am where I have been for the past 14 evenings at this time.

One of the best extra features that you get from our hotel is that the airport check-in comes to you! Each morning a team arrives from the airport with weighing scales and boarding cards and checks you in to your flight. Bags are then whisked away, the next time to be seen at Stansted. Absolutely no queuing at the small shed known as Heraklion airport. Game on!

As it is my last night I am allowing myself a small treat - paprika crisps - the first contraband in nearly 2 months (see comments re Dukan diet from a couple of days ago).

Now there's just one small hurdle to overcome in the next 24 hours. Will I be allowed down the local to watch the England game 30 minutes after getting home? What do you reckon? Don't all shout at me at once!

Time for another I feel

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